One thing we talk a lot about in my graduate program is the idea of making information sticky. Having information is great and so is sharing it, but ultimately the goal is to make it stick. So, periodically I’ll recap some of what I’ve written about and provide some real world examples to help make this information stick. (Pro Tip: Video links are easier to view in web browser vs email)
Self Determination Theory
This post highlighted the importance of meeting your athlete’s psychological needs of autonomy and competence through connection.

Research on self-awareness suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident, more creative, we make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively.

Facilitative Environments
Facilitative environments are high challenge and high support environments. Facilitative environments help build resilience for sustained success and well-being.

Under-Recovery can lead to, “slow reaction times, poor decision making, more risky decision making, emotional instability and lack of awareness to that emotional instability - a recipe for destruction.” - Dr. Scott Goldman

“Coaches demonstrated having a strong moral compass in comments regarding having core values, especially that of focusing on the well-being of their athletes, and sticking to those values despite the intense pressures of their job.” + this exercise to help clarify your values.

Happy Friday!